Documentary film

We produce documentaries for national television stations and streaming portals such as Netflix or Viaplay.
We operate throughout Europe, the USA and Mexico.
We are an independent team that will make a film from the concept, to writing the script to the final editing and cooperation with creative producers.
We shooting films in the highest possible quality RAW 6K RED cameras that are official approved by Netflix.

Our creative team consists of a director, DOP, camera operators, sound engineer and also a highly specialized colorist, working in a worldly standard color correction standard Davinci Resolve.
Each documentary created by us premiered on the Streming platform or on television.
Check our productions!


This compelling documentary, over 10 years in the making, tells the story of Michał Materla’s career, shocking arrest in 2016, and courageous attempt at rehabilitation. It is the story not only of an athlete, but above all of a man who continues to struggle against the odds.


They liberated Western Europe, carrying in their hearts the idea of ​​a free Poland, died far from their homeland as unknown soldiers of one of the most famous military units of World War II, and now they will get their names back. Scientists from the Polish Genetic Database of Victims of Totalitarianism are going to Normandy to exhume the bodies of 27 soldiers of the 1st Armored Division of General Stanisław Maczek, who died liberating France from German occupation.

The expedition begins the complicated process of restoring their identity – a process in which scientists and prosecutors are involved, but also historians and consular services. By following the successive stages of the Soldiers’ genome research, the Viewer also has the opportunity to learn the history of the Black Devils – a unit that, heading with the Allied troops towards the core of the Third Reich, brought freedom to French, Dutch and Belgian cities, while fiercely chasing fleeing Nazis.


An extraordinary documentary that is a thoroughly Polish story about a knife in the back, lies, murders and deportations that began on September 17, 1939.

The Russian attack on Ukraine allowed us to assess the process of settling accounts with the sins of communism beyond the eastern border and, as it turns out, instead of examining one’s conscience, the Kremlin is increasingly reveling in these sins, and the darkest crimes are either being pushed out of the collective consciousness or are trying to improve by creating a new terror machine – the Soviet Union 2.0.

Our “price of liberation” is 570,000 people murdered by the Soviets, the loss of the Eastern Borderlands, 50 years of communism, and brainwashing that makes some people bow their heads over the Soviet graves of the “liberators” to this day.

“The price of liberation” is proof that communism is still waiting for its “Nuremberg”. The filmmakers visit the Eastern Borderlands that were lost forever, but also the prisons where those who opposed Stalin’s rule were held and murdered.



“Defenders” is a story about restoring the memory of heroes buried in a mass grave, which was passed by thousands of tourists every day visiting one of the most impressive monuments of the Polish People’s Republic. It is a story about soldiers in whose honor streets were named, songs were written, and who were described in textbooks, but who were not sought for a long time.

Almost eighty years after the outbreak of the war, archaeological work on the Westerplatte site was begun by the Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk. Archaeologists and historians, based on scraps of information from old photographs and witness testimonies, identified the place where Polish soldiers could have been buried. Documentation created during the Polish People’s Republic indicated that the site had already been exhumed in the 1960s, so theoretically the ground could only have hidden mementos in the form of uniform elements. Meanwhile, in September 2019, archaeologists found the remains of a soldier – as it turned out later, the first of many.


A documentary about the need for patriotism in young people. In the film, we meet, among others, Major Danuta Szyksznian-Ossowska, a liaison officer of the Vilnius District of the Home Army, and her grandson. In 1944, Szyksznian-Ossowska was captured by the NKVD and first sent to the Łukiszki prison in Vilnius, where she was tortured, then spent a year in a gulag. At the age of nineteen, she found herself in the Recovered Territories after the war. For years, she could not find a job, was spied on and intimidated by the secret police.

The creators also want to draw attention to the memory of those who were murdered by the communists. Only recently has their identity been restored, thanks to the Polish Genetic Database of Victims of Totalitarianism operating at the Pomeranian Medical University. “The Speechless Generation” features, among others, the coordinator of the database, Dr. Andrzej Ossowski. A significant part of the film was shot in Vilnius at the Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights, in the former headquarters of the Gestapo, NKVD and KGB.